
Media & Public Relations

In this course, participants will gain the knowledge needed to effectively manage your image and value by building solid networks through strategic communication planning.

After completion of this course, the candidate will be able to cover the following..

For Course Benefits, please watch this Video or Read below….

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  • Enhanced Communication Skills:

The online course on Media and Public Relations enhances learners’ communication skills. They gain techniques to effectively craft and deliver messages, engage with media outlets, and communicate with various stakeholders, resulting in improved communication and public relations capabilities.

  •  Increased Brand Visibility:

The course focuses on increasing brand visibility. Learners acquire knowledge of media strategies, storytelling techniques, and public relations tactics, enabling them to effectively promote their brand and enhance its visibility in the media and among the public.

  • Improved Reputation Management:

Media and Public Relations training promotes improved reputation management. Learners gain techniques to monitor and manage the reputation of their organization, handle crises and negative publicity, and build a positive public image, leading to enhanced trust and credibility among stakeholders.

  •  Enhanced Media Relationships:

The course emphasizes building strong media relationships. Learners acquire techniques to engage with journalists, cultivate positive media coverage, and effectively navigate media interviews, resulting in improved media relations and increased opportunities for positive media exposure.

  •  Increased Public Trust:

Media and Public Relations training promotes increased public trust. Learners gain knowledge of ethical public relations practices, transparency, and open communication, fostering trust among the public and stakeholders, and strengthening the organization’s reputation.

  • Improved Crisis Communication:

The course focuses on improving crisis communication skills. Learners acquire techniques to effectively manage and communicate during crises, handle media inquiries, and protect the organization’s reputation in challenging situations, resulting in better crisis response and reputation recovery.

  • Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement:

Media and Public Relations training enhances stakeholder engagement. Learners gain techniques to engage with stakeholders, communicate organizational values and initiatives, and build strong relationships, leading to increased stakeholder satisfaction, support, and loyalty.

  • Increased Media Coverage:

The course promotes increased media coverage. Learners acquire knowledge of media pitching, press release writing, and media campaign strategies, enabling them to secure media coverage and generate positive publicity for their organization or clients.

  • Improved Content Creation:

Media and Public Relations training focuses on improving content creation skills. Learners acquire techniques to develop compelling content, such as press releases, articles, and social media posts, that effectively communicates key messages and engages the target audience.

  • Enhanced Social Media Management:

The course emphasizes effective social media management. Learners gain techniques to develop social media strategies, engage with online communities, and leverage social media platforms for brand promotion and reputation management, resulting in improved online presence and engagement.

  •  Increased Media Monitoring and Analysis:

Media and Public Relations training promotes effective media monitoring and analysis. Learners acquire techniques to track media coverage, analyze media sentiment, and evaluate the impact of public relations efforts, enabling them to make informed decisions and adjust strategies accordingly.

  •  Improved Event Planning and Promotion:

The course focuses on improving event planning and promotion skills. Learners acquire techniques to plan and execute successful media events, develop media partnerships, and effectively promote events to generate media coverage and public interest.

  • Enhanced Crisis Preparedness:

Media and Public Relations training enhances crisis preparedness. Learners gain knowledge of crisis communication strategies, develop crisis management plans, and conduct simulations to prepare for potential crises, resulting in a more proactive and effective crisis response.

  • Increased Thought Leadership:

The course promotes increased thought leadership. Learners gain techniques to position themselves or their organization as industry experts, share valuable insights through media platforms, and build a reputation for expertise and credibility.

  •  Improved Influencer Relations:

Media and Public Relations training focuses on improving influencer relations. Learners acquire techniques to identify and engage with relevant influencers, build mutually beneficial relationships, and leverage influencer partnerships for brand promotion and public relations.

  • Enhanced Media Crisis Management:

The course emphasizes effective media crisis management. Learners gain techniques to handle media inquiries during crises, craft crisis messaging, and manage media relations under pressure, resulting in more effective crisis communication and reputation protection.

  • Increased Media Literacy:

Media and Public Relations training promotes increased media literacy. Learners gain knowledge of media ethics, bias, and the role of media in society, enabling them to critically analyze media messages and make informed decisions about media engagement and strategies.

  • Improved Networking Opportunities:

The course focuses on improving networking opportunities. Learners acquire techniques to connect with media professionals, industry influencers, and fellow public relations practitioners, expanding their professional network and opening doors to collaborative opportunities.

  •  Enhanced Internal Communication:

Media and Public Relations training enhances internal communication. Learners gain techniques to effectively communicate with internal stakeholders, align messaging, and engage employees in supporting public relations efforts, resulting in a more unified and cohesive organizational communication approach.

  • Increased Career Opportunities:

The ultimate benefit of Media and Public Relations training is increased career opportunities. By developing strong media and public relations skills, learners can pursue diverse career paths in public relations agencies, corporate communications departments, media organizations, or even as independent consultants, opening doors to rewarding and fulfilling career prospects in the field.

Media & Public Relations Modules

In this course, you will get 12 Modules which are describing all aspects greatly

  •  Module One: Getting Started
  1. Workshop Objectives
  • Module Two: Networking For Success (I)
  1. Creating A Useful Introduction
  2. Making a Great First Impression
  3. Case Study
  • Module Three: Networking For Success (II)
  1. Reducing Nervousness
  2. Effective use of business cards
  3. Remembering Names
  4. Case Study
  • Module Four: The Meet And Greet
  1. The Three-Step Process
  2. The Four Levels of Conversation
  3. Case Study (I)
  4. Case Study (II)
  5. Case Study
  • Module Five: Dressing For Success
  1. The Meaning Of Colors
  2. Interpreting Common Dress Codes
  3. Deciding What to Wear
  4. Case Study
  • Module Six: Writing
  1. Business Letters
  2. Writing Proposals
  3. Reports
  4. Executive Summaries
  5. Case Study
  • Module Seven: Setting Goals
  1. Understanding Goals
  2. SMART Goals
  3. Helping Others to Set Goals
  4. Case Study
  • Module Eight: Media Relations
  1. Television
  2. Print
  3. Web Balance, Blogs And The Internet
  4. Case Study
  • Module Nine: Issues And Crisis Communication Planning
  1. Measuring the magnitude of the impending crisis
  2. Providing Feedback and Insights
  3. How Information Will be Distributed
  4. Monitoring The Overall Effect
  5. Case Study
  • Module Ten: Social Media (The PR Toolkit)
  1. Blogs
  2. Wikis
  3. Podcasts
  4. Social Bookmarks
  5. RSS Feeds
  6. Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Employee Communications
  1. Verbal Communication
  2. Non-Verbal Communication Skills (Body Language)
  3. Email Etiquette
  4. Ability To Negotiate
  5. Making An Impact
  6. Case Study
  • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

Be Creative with Quizes

Each Module is finishing with its quiz & hence you will get to review your Modules in the form of 100 questions.

  • Module Two Review Questions
  1. __________ is an effective way to spread your value through those around you.
  2. Understanding the basic mechanics of networking will _________ your success in delivering the right message about yourself to others.
  3. The first two minutes of your conversation is when most people form a (n) __________ about you.
  4. An effective __________ is necessary when networking.
  5. In order to create a good and lasting impression use the ___________ technique to introducing yourself.
  6. MEETS stands for the following:
  7. _________ talking too much at the beginning.
  8. __________ the other person to introduce him or herself.
  9. What are the Five B’s of making a good first impression?
  10. Make the interaction _________ about you and more about the other person and you will make great first impressions.
  • Module Three Review Questions
  1. _________ is an effective way to spread your value through those around you.
  2. To network effectively, you must ___________ your nervousness.
  3. Use _________ cards effectively.
  4. Being nervous is a common occurrence when meeting new people, but being overly nervous when meeting people could be seen as a __________ trait.
  5. ___________ comes from fear of the unknown.
  6. _________ what you are going to say and do.
  7. Focus on the _________.
  8. _________ carry your business cards in a special holder.
  9. Take advantage of ____________ boards at restaurants and other public areas where they allow the placement of business cards.
  10. Business cards are a (n) _________ tool for networking.
  • Module Four Review Questions
  1. Meet and Greet functions provide an excellent opportunity to __________.
  2. Many local organizations host meet and greets and you should be ready to participate in these functions with understanding that there are __________ steps and considerations to take when in the Meet and Greet situation.
  3. How many levels of conversation are there?
  4. The purpose of meet and greets is to _________ and meet as many people as you can during the time allotted.
  5. Having a ____________ for meeting and greeting people is helpful.
  6. A possible strategy to adopt is the
  7. What does the M stand for in the Three M Approach?
  8. Meet means to introduce yourself and share some information about ___________.
  9. ________ dictates that you should remain focused on the discussion.
  10. What are the four levels of conversation?
  • Module Five Review Questions
  1. Networking is a _______________ event and how you dress can help you make the best impressions.
  2. ____________ what is communicated through the clothes you wear will help you develop a wardrobe that will enhance your networking and public relations goals.
  3. The meaning of ____________ is important to know and this should reflect in the clothes you wear.
  4. The colors you wear when networking could __________ a message you did not want to send.
  5. Each color has some basic meanings. What does Red mean?
  6. What does White mean?
  7. What does black mean?
  8. What does Gray mean?
  9. The color you choose will depend on the ___________ and type of function you are going to encounter.
  10. Which of these would not be appropriate attire for a business event?
  • Module Six Review Questions
  1. Your __________ communication leaves a lasting impression on those who read your documents.
  2. Writing is a large part of your ____________ and should be done well.
  3. Great written communication will help you ______________ your value and ability to convey ideas.
  4. ___________ writing is essential in networking.
  5. The business _________ is the most basic form of written communication.
  6. There are _________ basic elements to a business letter.
  7. These are the seven basic elements of a business letter:
  8. The inside address is the address of the __________.
  9. A ____________ is a useful tool in communicating your ideas to decision makers in and out of your organization.
  10. The goal of the proposal is to ___________ a decision to move forward into a project or purchase.
  • Module Seven Review Questions
  1. When networking and managing public ___________, you should have clear and measurable goals in what you want to achieve when networking.
  2. _________ goals could lead to missed goals and frustration.
  3. Understanding how to formulate goals that are __________ and achievable will help you network with results.
  4. In order to build great goals, you need a basic understanding of all of the following except:
  5. You can call a goal a dream with a ______________.
  6. Goals state an expected __________ or achievement.
  7. Goals have to be planned and __________.
  8. Goals have to be clearly ________.
  9. Which is not a benefit to having clear goals?
  10. Goals do not have to be confined to your ______ life.
  • Module Eight Review Questions
  1. __________ media relations is another facet to networking.
  2. To leverage networking, you may want to ________ an environment that can get you on a television news program.
  3. There are ______ steps to prepare and get your message on television.
  4. The six steps are:
  5. ________ media comes in many forms.
  6. Unlike television, print media is easier to __________.
  7. Print media typically has a more consistent _________ of readers than say the Internet.
  8. Print media can be very __________.
  9. The ______ is an inexpensive method in getting your message out to an endless audience around the world.
  10. Setting up a ____ is another easy tool.
  • Module Nine Review Questions
  1. At times, you may be confronted with a pressing issue or _________.
  2. Having a ________ before a crisis occurs will help you take better control of the situation.
  3. You must learn to ________ the crisis level.
  4. You will need to provide ________ and insight.
  5. You will have to decide how __________ will be distributed.
  6. Being caught off guard will leave you ___________ and contribute little value to the situation.
  7. Once you gauge the _________, you are able to determine action.
  8. Providing feedback and __________ on a crisis is a delicate job, but doing it right will increase your credibility, allowing you to meet more people and increase your network.
  9. The key to giving good feedback and reliable insight is to be ___________ about the crisis through quick data gathering.
  10. When a crisis occurs and you have gauged the situation, begin using the ________ technique so you can gain the information you need to formulate an assessment and provide clear insight.
  • Module Ten Review Questions
  1. Social ________ is a powerful tool that can increase the scope of your network greatly.
  2. ____________ the various types of social media outlets will help you formulate a strategy that can employ one or more of these tools.
  3. A ______ is short for a weblog, which is a journal made available on the Internet.
  4. The journal is in _________ order and the blog could contain pictures and other media for sharing.
  5. A blog is a powerful tool for _________.
  6. Blogs provide a way for a person with little technical skills to create a ___________ and share information with little training and expense.
  7. The blog ________ is a relatively easy system to use.
  8. Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Social Bookmarks, and RSS feeds are all examples of social media _________
  9. You can easily share your blog _________ address with others and they can view your ideas in detail from the comfort of their computer.
  10. Blogs can _________ past posts into month categories or topics.
  • Module Eleven Review Questions
  1. ___________ to your employees is a crucial part of your network.
  2. ___________ communication to your employees could lead to uncontrolled negative message about you.
  3. ___________ your effectiveness with employee communication will help reinforce your network and leverage the word-of-mouth power your employees have to your benefit.
  4. _________ is the art of being able to say something with the least words possible.
  5. Keeping your verbal communication _________ and simple makes you a better verbal communicator.
  6. When communicating verbally, your _______ choice is important.
  7. What does the acronym kiss stand for?
  8. Having ___________ of how non-verbal communication works is essential.
  9. There are ____ basic categories of non-verbal communication.
  10. _________ features are those that deal with aspects like distance and posture.

  • What is the requirement for this course?

The course is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the subject matter, and there are no specific entry requirements to enroll.

  • What much Time I need to Spend for completion of this course?

The course is divided into different modules, with an average study time ranging from 20 to 90 minutes per module as per your convenience. While you have the flexibility to allocate your preferred amount of time to each module, after buying you will have lifetime access to the course so you can log in and out of the course as per your schedule.

  • When and Where I can Study this Course?

You can study this course at any time and anywhere of your choice, you have the convenience of logging in and out of the web-based course as often as you need. The course is compatible with all devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones, allowing you to study even while on the go.

  • How I can Pay for this Couse?

To make a payment for this course, you have the option to use several payment methods including Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal account. The website employs the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure that your payment details are kept safe and secure. All payments are processed securely by PayPal, providing an added layer of protection for your peace of mind.

  • How soon I can have access to the course material?

You will have access to the course immediately after you make the payment. You will receive email confirmation of payment at the same time with full access to the course material.

  • Can I earn a Certificate at the end of the course?

That’s Right! At the completion of the course, we will earn a Professional Certificate that can be a valuable addition to your career and personal achievements. This certificate will serve as evidence of the knowledge and skills you have gained through the course, and can help you demonstrate your expertise to current or potential employers.

  • What is the validity of the Certificate?

Certificate is your achievement, which will remain with you forever. It doesn’t have any expiry or need any renewal. Enjoy the Course and Good Luck.


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This workshop is designed to give you practical teaching and tools that will make networking available to you upon completion of this course.

Networking and Public Relations are the most successful way to convey your value to those around you

Effective networking is essential for everyday business or for those times when you are actively pursuing job opportunities.

Good networking skills can help you tap into those Relationships you already have & increase the scope of your network.

What Is It?

Networking is a great way to spread your value through those around you. Understanding the basic dynamics of networking will increase your success in delivering the right message about yourself to others. Learn how to create a useful introduction and how to create a great first look.

Why It Is Important?

Networking is an effective way to spread your value through those around you. Understanding the basic mechanics of networking will increase your success in delivering the right message about yourself to others

Course Objectives

  • Networking for Success
  • Manage “Meet and Great” Opportunities
  • Dress for success
  • Write effectively
  • Set goals
  •  Manage Media Relations
  • Plan issue & crisis communication
  • Use social media
  • Deliver effective employee communication

Comprehensive Modules Of The Course

Social Media (The PR Toolkit)

Social Media is a powerful tool that can increase the scope of your network greatly. Understanding the various types of Social Media outlets will help you formulate a strategy that can employ one or more of these tools: Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Social bookmarks & RSS feeds

Media Relations

Managing media relations is another facet to networking. You will learn how to leverage these types of media: Television, Print, Web, blogs & the Internet

Setting Goals

When managing networking and public relations, you need to have clear and measurable goals for what you want to achieve while networking. Vague goals can lead to missed goals and frustration. Understanding how to create realistic and achievable goals will help network with results.

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Media & Public Relations