
Time Management

Learn personal motivation, representation skills, organizational tools, and crisis management in this course.

After completion of this course, the candidate will be able to cover the following..

For Course Benefits, please watch this Video or Read below….

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  • Increased Productivity:

An online course on time management helps you become more productive. You’ll learn techniques to prioritize tasks, set goals, and allocate time effectively, ensuring that you accomplish more in less time.

  •  Enhanced Focus and Concentration:

The course teaches you strategies to improve focus and concentration. You’ll learn how to minimize distractions, manage interruptions, and maintain sustained attention on important tasks, resulting in higher quality work and greater efficiency.

  • Reduced Stress and Overwhelm:

Time management training helps you manage stress and overwhelm. By learning to plan and organize your time effectively, you’ll experience reduced stress levels and a greater sense of control over your workload.

  •  Improved Decision-Making:

The course enables you to make better decisions by allocating time for critical thinking and analysis. You’ll learn techniques to evaluate options, consider alternatives, and make informed choices, leading to better outcomes and avoiding rushed decisions.

  •  Better Work-Life Balance:

Time management skills contribute to achieving a better work-life balance. The course emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, scheduling personal time, and prioritizing self-care, allowing you to allocate time for both work and personal commitments.

  • Proactive Approach:

Learning time management techniques helps you become more proactive. You’ll learn to plan ahead, anticipate deadlines, and take preemptive action, reducing last-minute rush and stress.

  • Improved Organizational Skills:

Time management training enhances your organizational skills. You’ll learn how to structure your work, create effective systems for managing tasks and information, and maintain a clutter-free workspace, leading to greater efficiency and productivity.

  • Enhanced Task Completion:

The course provides strategies for task completion. You’ll learn techniques to break down complex tasks, set realistic deadlines, and overcome procrastination, ensuring that you complete tasks on time and meet deadlines.

  • Effective Goal Setting:

Time management skills are closely linked to effective goal setting. The course teaches you how to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals and create action plans to achieve them, increasing your chances of success.

  • Increased Accountability:

Learning time management helps you become more accountable for your time and commitments. You’ll develop the discipline to follow through on your plans and meet your obligations, building trust and credibility with others.

  •  Improved Prioritization:

The course emphasizes the importance of effective prioritization. You’ll learn techniques to identify and focus on high-priority tasks, delegate or eliminate non-essential tasks, and align your activities with your goals and values.

  •  Better Time Estimation:

Time management training helps you estimate and allocate time more accurately. You’ll learn techniques to assess task complexity, account for unforeseen circumstances, and allocate appropriate time for each activity, preventing time overruns and improving overall time management.

  • Enhanced Focus on Important Activities:

The course teaches you how to distinguish between important and less important tasks. You’ll learn strategies to prioritize tasks that align with your goals and bring the most value, enabling you to focus your time and energy on activities that truly matter.

  • Improved Work Quality:

Effective time management leads to improved work quality. By allocating sufficient time for each task, you’ll have the opportunity to pay attention to detail, review and revise your work, and ensure that you deliver high-quality outcomes.

  •  Increased Opportunities for Learning and Development:

Time management allows you to allocate time for continuous learning and personal development. The course emphasizes the importance of investing time in acquiring new skills, staying updated, and pursuing professional growth opportunities.

  • Improved Time Estimation for Projects:

Time management skills are crucial for estimating project timelines accurately. The course provides techniques for estimating project duration, considering dependencies, and accounting for potential risks, ensuring that project schedules are realistic and achievable.

  • Better Communication and Collaboration:

Time management training enhances your ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with others. By managing your time well, you’ll be more reliable, responsive, and able to meet deadlines, fostering positive relationships and productive teamwork.

  • Increased Efficiency:

The course focuses on improving efficiency in your work. You’ll learn techniques to streamline processes, eliminate time-wasting activities, and optimize workflow, enabling you to accomplish more in less time.

  •  Enhanced Self-Discipline:

Learning time management cultivates self-discipline. The course provides strategies to overcome procrastination, manage distractions, and stay focused on your tasks, empowering you to develop the discipline necessary for effective time management.

  • Overall Personal and Professional Success:

Time management skills contribute to overall personal and professional success. By effectively managing your time, you’ll experience increased productivity, reduced stress, and greater opportunities for growth and achievement in various areas of your life.

Time Management Modules

In this course, you will get 12 Modules which are describing all aspects greatly

  •  Module One: Getting Started
  1. Workshop Objectives
  2. Pre-Assignment Review
  • Module Two: Setting SMART Goals
  1. The Three P’s
  2. The SMART Way
  3. Prioritizing Your Goals
  4. Visualization
  5. Case Study
  • Module Three: Prioritizing Your Time
  1. The 80/20 Rule
  2. The Urgent/Important Matrix
  3. Being Assertive
  4. Case Study
  • Module Four: Planning Wisely
  1. Creating Your Productivity Journal
  2. Maximizing the Power of Your Productivity Journal
  3. The Glass Jar: Rocks, Pebbles, Sand, and Water
  4. Chunk, Block, and Tackle
  5. Ready, Fire, Aim!
  6. Case Study
  • Module Five: Tackling Procrastination
  1. Why We Procrastinate
  2. Nine Ways to Overcome Procrastination
  3. Eat That Frog!
  4. Case Study
  • Module Six: Crisis Management
  1. When the Storm Hits
  2. Creating a Plan
  3. Executing the Plan
  4. Lessons Learned
  5. Case Study
  • Module Seven: Organizing Your Workspace
  1. De-Clutter
  2. Managing Workflow
  3. Dealing with E-mail
  4. Using Calendars
  5. Case Study
  • Module Eight: Delegating Made Easy
  1. When to Delegate
  2. To Whom Should You Delegate?
  3. How Should You Delegate?
  4. Keeping Control
  5. The Importance of Full Acceptance
  6. Case Study
  • Module Nine: Setting A Ritual
  1. What is a Ritual?
  2. Ritualizing Sleep, Meals, and Exercise
  3. Example Rituals
  4. Using Rituals to Maximize Time
  5. Case Study
  • Module Ten: Meeting Management
  1. Deciding if a Meeting is Necessary
  2. Using the PAT Approach
  3. Building the Agenda
  4. Keeping Things on Track
  5. Making Sure the Meeting Was Worthwhile
  6. Case Study
  • Module Eleven: Alternatives To Meetings
  1. Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms
  2. Teleconferencing
  3. E-Mail Lists and Online Groups
  4. Collaboration Applications
  5. Case Study
  • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

Be Creative with Quizes

Each Module is finishing with its quiz & hence you will get to review your Modules in the form of 100 questions.

  • Module Two Review Questions
  1. Which is not one of the Three Ps of goal setting?
  2. In the SMART acronym what does the T stand for?
  3. When prioritizing your goals it is better to focus on several goals at once.
  4. In order for visualization to work, it’s necessary that you ________ your goal as much as possible.
  5. In which area of your life can goal setting be used?
  6. Which of these is something that your goals should reflect?
  7. Which of these is crucial for goal achievement?
  8. When prioritizing, which goal should you choose?
  9. What is one of the best visualization tools?
  10. What will help you materialize your goal into your life?
  • Module Three Review Questions
  1. The 80/20 rule states that 80% of your ________ come from only 20% of your ________.
  2. A deadline to complete a report due next month can be considered Urgent and Important on the Urgent/Important matrix.
  3. Where would having lunch with a coworker fall on the Urgent/Important matrix?
  4. A great tool in being more assertive is to use a ________no when interrupted.
  5. Which of these is the best description of what time management is about?
  6. What is the 80/20 rule also known as?
  7. What activities demand immediate attention, but are often associated with someone else’s goals rather than our own?
  8. What is a powerful way of organizing tasks based on priorities?
  9. Which of these is not an example of a Positive No?
  10. What is the positive no most appropriate for?
  • Module Four Review Questions
  1. It is recommended to keep a separate journal for work and for your personal life.
  2. If you postpone a task ____ times, it does not belong on your action list.
  3. What is considered trivial time-wasters are neither important nor urgent in the Glass Jar approach?
  4. A large project can be broken down by Chunk, Block , and ________
  5. Often in time management planning, it is better to think ________, _______, ________
  6. What is the hallmark of successful time management?
  7. Which of these is not a step in creating a Professional Productivity Journal?
  8. Which personal development expert believes that when you write down your action list the night before, your subconscious mind focuses on that plan while you sleep?
  9. What does “sand” represent in the Glass Jar approach?
  10. Which time management strategy is ideal for taking on jobs that are so overwhelming it is difficult to even plan to start them?
  • Module Five Review Questions
  1. Which item is a reason we generally procrastinate?
  2. What habit will help you overcome procrastination?
  3. In the “Eat That Frog” analogy what does the frog represent?
  4. What is the definition of procrastination?
  5. Which of these is not a reason for procrastination?
  6. Which way to overcome procrastination can be defined as “help from a trusted mentor, supervisor, coach, or expert can give you some great insight on where to start and the steps for completing a project”?
  7. Who gives the advice “Break it down into the ridiculous.”?
  8. To reduce the temptation of procrastination, each actionable step on a project should take no more than how many minutes to complete?
  9. What does the saying “If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first!” mean?
  10. What do many employees confuse activity with that causes failure to execute?
  • Module Six Review Questions
  1. When a crisis hits you should implement the first fix that comes to your mind.
  2. The best approach when creating a plan during a crisis is to:
  3. As you execute the plan you should continue to evaluate it.
  4. An important step to look at is see what is learned after a crisis is over as it will help prevent it from happening in the future.
  5. What should help the number of crises you encounter decline?
  6. In a crisis, which question will not help you gather and analyze the data?
  7. What can be defined as “the time that you have before the situation moves out of your control, or becomes exponentially worse”?
  8. Which of these is not a step in creating a plan?
  9. During execution of a plan, what is important to remember?
  10. What disaster will you be unable to prepare for?
  • Module Seven Review Questions
  1. Which is not a part of a basic filling system?
  2. In managing workflow what are the four Ds?
  3. One of the best ways to deal with email is to set up rules to filter emails to certain folders.
  4. The acronym S.T.I.N.G can help when feeling overwhelmed; what does the G stand for?
  5. Which of these does not help to create an effective work space?
  6. What types of files are used for materials used frequently and needed close at hand?
  7. Which of these are not essential in an effective workplace?
  8. If a task is not yours to do, how should you respond?
  9. Which of these is good advice for maximizing your e-mail time?
  10. For people with multiple responsibilities, what type of calendar might be especially valuable?
  • Module Eight Review Questions
  1. You should keep this in mind when deciding if a task should be delegated.
  2. When considering delegating a task, what criteria should you consider?
  3. What is the first level of the Spheres of Independence?
  4. Micro-managing is one of the best ways to keep control and stay updated.
  5. Which of these statements about delegation is true?
  6. Which of these tasks should not be delegated to others?
  7. What is not something that you need to explain to a delegate?
  8. What is one way to encourage growth in a delegate?
  9. What is good advice when overseeing and approving delegates’ work?
  10. When good work is returned to you, what should you do?
  • Module Nine Review Questions
  1. Which step is not a part of building a good ritual?
  2. Which three items are essential to ritualize?
  3. What is a “Trigger” in regards to setting up a ritual?
  4. What is the definition of a ritual?
  5. What is an example of an easy way to put exercise into your schedule?
  6. Which of these is not an example of a ritual that many people find helpful in maximizing their time?
  7. What is not a good idea to have as part of your sleep ritual?
  8. Once you have been using a ritual for a while, what might you find?
  9. Which of these is a good idea for ritualizing meals?
  10. What is not an example of situation or event that will cause a ritual to come into play?
  • Module Ten Review Questions
  1. Using the PAT approach is great for meeting management. What does PAT stand for?
  2. When creating an agenda it is best to hand it out at the beginning of the meeting.
  3. What should you do if an item runs past its scheduled time?
  4. Action items should be clearly indicated, with start and end dates.
  5. What is a reason that people generally do not look forward to meetings?
  6. If a formal meeting is necessary, what two groups should you divide your attendees into?
  7. In the PAT approach, which step is described as “the backbone of the meeting”?
  8. Typically, how long should meetings be?
  9. What is your job as the chairperson of the meeting?
  10. What is an action to take at the end of a meeting?
  • Module Eleven Review Questions
  1. When hosting a meeting in a chat room using an agenda is not a good idea.
  2. When teleconferencing it is recommended to us the PAT approach.
  3. What should you keep in mind when using online groups?
  4. Which of these is a great alternative to meetings, especially if meeting members are separated by distance?
  5. Which of these is important to remember when hosting a meeting via instant messaging applications or chat rooms?
  6. Which of these is not an application to try for instant message applications and chat rooms?
  7. Which of these is not a feature of most teleconferencing applications?
  8. If your meeting group requires ongoing, interactive communication, rather than periodic face-to-face gatherings, what would be an effective tool?
  9. What is a good thing to keep in mind if you plan on using Google Groups, Yahoo Groups, and Convos?
  10. What is a more sophisticated electronic tool that can reduce the need for meetings?

  • What is the requirement for this course?

The course is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the subject matter, and there are no specific entry requirements to enroll.

  • What much Time I need to Spend for completion of this course?

The course is divided into different modules, with an average study time ranging from 20 to 90 minutes per module as per your convenience. While you have the flexibility to allocate your preferred amount of time to each module, after buying you will have lifetime access to the course so you can log in and out of the course as per your schedule.

  • When and Where I can Study this Course?

You can study this course at any time and anywhere of your choice, you have the convenience of logging in and out of the web-based course as often as you need. The course is compatible with all devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones, allowing you to study even while on the go.

  • How I can Pay for this Couse?

To make a payment for this course, you have the option to use several payment methods including Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal account. The website employs the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure that your payment details are kept safe and secure. All payments are processed securely by PayPal, providing an added layer of protection for your peace of mind.

  • How soon I can have access to the course material?

You will have access to the course immediately after you make the payment. You will receive email confirmation of payment at the same time with full access to the course material.

  • Can I earn a Certificate at the end of the course?

That’s Right! At the completion of the course, we will earn a Professional Certificate that can be a valuable addition to your career and personal achievements. This certificate will serve as evidence of the knowledge and skills you have gained through the course, and can help you demonstrate your expertise to current or potential employers.

  • What is the validity of the Certificate?

Certificate is your achievement, which will remain with you forever. It doesn’t have any expiry or need any renewal. Enjoy the Course and Good Luck.


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Learn Setting SMART Goals

You can use the goal-setting in every area of your life, including financial, physical, personal development, relationships, or spirituality. It is also important to make sure that all of your goals unleash the power of the three P’s:



Who could get fired up about a goal such as “Find a career that’s not boring”? Goals should be phrased positively, so they help you feel good about yourself and what you’re trying to accomplish.


Goals must be personal. They must reflect your own dreams and values, not those of friends, family, or the media. When crafting your goal statement, always use the word “I” in the sentence to brand it as your own.



When setting goals, be sure to consider what’s possible and within your control. Getting into an Ivy League university may be possible if you are earning good grades but unrealistic if you’re struggling. In the latter case, a more reasonable goal might be to attend a university or trade school that offers courses related to your chosen career.

Learn Prioritizing Your Goals

Achieving challenging goals requires a lot of mental energy. Instead of diluting yourself by focusing on multiple goals at once, invest your mental health into one goal, which is now the most important goal.

Learn About Visualization

Emotionalizing and visualizing your goal will help you develop the desire to implement it in your life. One of the best visualization tools is the view panel.

Learn How To Achieve Great Goals

Setting big goals is great, but setting unrealistic goals will just de-motivate you. A good goal is one that challenges but it is not so unrealistic that you have virtually no chance of accomplishing it.

Learn Prioritizing Your Time

Time Management is about more than just managing our time; it is about managing ourselves, in relation to time. It is about setting priorities and taking charge. It means changing habits or activities that cause us to waste time.

Learn About 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule, also known as Pareto’s Principle, states that 80% of your results come from only 20% of your actions. Across the board, you will find that the 80/20 principle is pretty much right on with most things in your life.

Crises Managment

With better planning, better performance, and increased productivity, learn to reduce the number of crises you face.

Meeting Management

Time Management training often begins with setting goals. These goals are recorded and can be broken down into a plan, action plan, or simple task list. Activities are evaluated based on urgency and importance, assigned priorities, and deadlines.

This process results in a project with a task list or calendar of activities. Routine and continuous tasks often focus less on free time to work on tasks that contribute to important goals.

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Time Management